Tuesday, June 28, 2011

19 Years of Wisdom

Even though I've only experienced 20 years of life thus far, I believe I have learned a lot. What good would it be to keep such knowledge to myself? None. So I will share :)

1. Don't stress the little things.
They are referred to as little things for a reason. In the grand scheme of things, they don't matter. Life goes on whether you want it to or not. Don't waste your time worrying about things you have no control over.

2. NEVER over use I love you.
I am so guilty of this. We claim to have fallen in love with someone, when it's really falling in like. Just because you get butterflies in your stomach does not mean you love a person. Over using I love you leads to a stale relationship.

3. Don't let others influence you.
If you constantly follow the crowd, it's easy to lose yourself. You are the only person that knows your true thoughts and desires. If you give up on them, you're giving up on yourself.

4. Ladies. Please. Don't act dumb.
I don't know what girls today are thinking, but guys do not find it attractive when you act like a complete retard. It's not cute. It does not make you more attractive. It gives the rest of us girls a bad reputation.

5. Listen to music.
No matter what you fancy, there is music to soothe any kind of heartbreak.

6. Take lots of pictures.
Chances are, we aren't going to remember every minute of college by the time we hit 80. Take a camera with you everywhere you go, because every moment is a kodak one.

7. Appreciate those around you.
The people in your life are obviously there for a reason. Trust me, they wouldn't just stick around for the heck of it. Everyone single one of your friends and family members has a purpose in your life, and let them know it.

8. Forget the past.
Yes we do learn from our past experiences, but that doesn't mean they need to affect our future. Keeping your mind on a past boyfriend can interfere with any future fella's. Get yourself over him, and move on.

9. If you aren't happy with something in your life, change it.
There is no use in being complacent with anything that makes you unhappy. Get rid of it, change it, do something to get it out of your life. The longer you wait, the harder it is to do.